Monday, March 13, 2006

are you kidding me?

Imagine a super-freeway, an interstate highway wider than a football field is long (end zones included), boasting as many as 23 lanes! Sounds like science fiction, I know, but it's an actual plan for the expansion of I-75 on the northwest periphery of Atlanta--a highway that, at 15 lanes, is already ranked as the widest in the country. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has the details; you can also read more about the project from the authorities themselves. I don't suppose that any one of those 23 lanes will be reserved for bicycles? Might make an interesting stage for the Ford (formerly Dodge) Tour "de" Georgia. By the way, what is an auto maker doing sponsoring a bike race anyway? At least the Tour of California keeps it in the family by going with EPO-producer Amgen. And Tour de Georgia? Now, Tour de Louisiana or Tour de Quebec, I would understand. Even Tour du Pont was pretty clever. But Georgia was named after British King George II, from the Germanic House of Hanover. Somehow the French "de" just doesn't fit, in the same way that, say, a Tour de Deutschland, Giro di England, or Vuelta a New Hampshire wouldn't work either. Thank you, Tour of California organizers, for having the courage and the common sense to just stick with English.

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